Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things that bug me...

There's really no point to this post. Just one of many things that I think about when I'm on a long ride or a run. This is what happens when you have way too much time by yourself to think. It's just a list of things in no particular order that get under my skin a little. It's not meant to insult anyone or call anyone out. So if you do things that are on this list don't be mad at me or offended, just write it off as me being a freak:

1. Morman kids riding bikes in suits. Why do they make these kids wear suits? It's bad enough they have to knock on people's doors and get yelled at and insulted. At least let them do it in some thing that wicks moisture.

2. Car culture/decorations: These include "baby on board" signs, those family stickers with each member represented by a stick figure, stuffed animals are Kleenex boxes in the rear window, and CD's or Dream Catchers hanging from the rearview mirror. I don't get it.

3. People that throw their cigarette butts on the ground. The fact that your smoking in the first place is bad enough, then you just throw your crap on the ground. This is one of things that usually results in me yelling at the person and or honking my horn like a crazy person.

4. People that are not courteous. This encompasses a lot of areas, from driving manners to holding the door for the person behind you. I think this is my biggest beef in life. I tend to form my opinions of people pretty quickly based on their manners.

5. Advertising your religious beliefs on the back of your car. Why?

6. People who leave there shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. Walk your lazy ass over to the cart coral. There are exceptions to this of course, mom's with multiple kids and no coral close. But most of time it is laziness I think. This really gets me when the cart is actually touching my car. I'm afraid of what I might do if I actually caught someone putting that cart against my car.

7. Strangers who want to chat in the locker room or the bathroom. there is an etiquette here that needs to be followed. If I am naked or pee'ing and you don't know me please do not strike up a conversation with me. Along with that, guys in the locker room at the gym with only a shirt on, it's cool to wear pants.

8. Bees, I hate bees!

9. Cyclists with rearview mirrors. I'm sure there is a safety side to this, but I haven't figured it out yet. If a car is about to hit me I would rather not know. At least I won't tense up as much. I tried the mirror thing once and I spent more time trying to adjust it so I could see. I think that was more dangerous then actually turning my head when I need to make a left hand turn.

10. People who don't pick up their dog's poop. Again there are exceptions, like way off in thick bushes or weeds were no one will ever see it or step in it. This would not include my front yard! Or the park by my house where I step in your dog's poop all of the time because it's dark when I take my dog to play there.

11. Chap stick that has SPF 15. Why only 15? Why not 50? I don't really want a tan on lips. (This one came to me during IMAZ while on the bike. Obviously I lost focus for a little bit...)

Again, no real point, and just my opinion. Now that I've got that out of my system I'll start thinking up a list of things that are more positive. Now that's a challenge, it's so much easier to complain about stuff!

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