Monday, June 30, 2008

Sabbatical: So close I can smell it...

And it smells gooood! Less then 4 days to go. I realized today that this will be the first summer I've had completely off (no school, no work) since 9th grade. My sophomore year of high school I started my first job and have been working ever since. This weekend will be a good kickoff too. We head to Seattle Saturday morning and I am racing the Lake Stevens Half Ironman on Sunday. I am really looking forward to this race! My workouts have been feeling great over the last two weeks so I'm thinking a PR is possible (So yes, I believe :)). The conditions are looking favorable so we'll see what happens.
The build to Canada is coming along. This last week was the biggest since March I think. It was capped off by a great long ride on Saturday with Kaytee and Jennifer W. We rode from Troutdale up into the Mt. Hood area. We climbed most of the way up to Lolo pass. Total climbing for the ride was ~6k feet in 83 miles. Here is a picture from where we turned around:

Sunday was an 18 mile run broken up between the waterfront and Forest Park. Totals for the week looked like this:
Swim: 12900 yrds - 4 workouts
Bike: 143 miles - 2 workouts
Run - 55 miles - 6 workouts
Total - 18hrs 20 mins

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