Wednesday, December 26, 2007

One Down, One to go

Not that I'm happy x-mas has passed, it just serves as one of the major milestones on the road to AZ Ironman and summer (a.k.a Sabbatical). New years is the last major holiday before the 3 month stretch of big volume training weeks with only President's day to break it up a little. Of course there is the 9 day training camp in Palm Springs in March that Santa left in my stocking...
Last week went well from a training perspective. It was relatively light, 12 hours. Key workouts where a 12.5 mile TT on the bike and a 5k run TT. The point of both was to see how recovered I am from last season and to get a baseline for my fitness level going into 2008. It went pretty well I think. The bike TT was done on a mostly flat course, no wind, and no rain. Avg MPH was 24.2. HR was low zone 5 and my legs never felt tired. I was very happy with the out come. The run also went well. I was able to avg a 5:57 pace per mile on the Leif Erickson trail between mile's 2 and 3.5 (out and back). This is the flattest section of the trail. I was able to get my HR up into upper zone 5 (max 188). Again, legs never felt fatigued. Last year about this time Scott had me do a 5k tt and my avg pace was 7:15 with my HR about the same. This gives me hope going into 2008.
This week is a 17.5 hour week with a good mix of low intensity long runs and rides with a few mid level intensity workouts thrown in. The big emphases this week is swimming. Scott has about 15k yards planned. I've got 7700 done already, so I should be able to get them all in before the weekend.
One more weekend of questionable eating and drinking before the switch gets flipped! Then it's all business...

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