Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Old and Fragile

After a rad Mt. Bike ride on Saturday I am still recovering. Rode at Brown's camp with some really talented riders. It was wet and a little muddy, but not too bad. The trails have a lot of roots though. With little practice and too much air in my tires I literally fell victim to the roots. One fall in particular resulted in a pretty good bruised knee. It hurt, but was manageable. I really felt it the next day on my long run. I was supposed to go an hour and a half but cut it about 15 min short because it was so sore. Tried to spin on the trainer last night and no go, still very sore. My swim today went well. I'm hoping for a 40 min jog tonight, we'll see how that goes. No regrets though, the ride was outstanding. I can't wait to do more!! I just need to not try to ride over everything. I learned that toward the end of the ride. Apparently I'm not as agile as I used to be... Which brings me to my birthday...
On my way to work this morning I heard a song I really liked on the radio. I knew the voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. After it ended the DJ came on and said it was Bruce Springsteen. I really like a song from the Boss. No offense to any Bruce fans, but his music is not something I usually associate with. Don't get me wrong, I love music from almost every genre. But there are a few bands that I have always associated with an older audience, and he is one of them. Other bands that fall into that are The Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Paul McCartney, ect.. All legends, I just never got into them. Anyway, my point is I found myself really enjoying something I have always thought of as something an adult would listen too, not me. I still do not consider myself an adult. I was almost mad that I liked the song. Kind of felt like someone tricked me! I know it's not that big of a deal, just one of those days. On the bright side though, I decided I want a skate board! I used to skate when I was in Jr. High. I was never very good, but I liked it. They make long boards now for cruising on. I don't see myself riding at the local skate park or anything (especially after my Mt. biking experience), but I think it would be cool to cruise up to Starbucks or the store on it. Or use it to get the dog some exercise. Maybe Santa will bring me one...
Other updates:
- I was supposed to provide updates on my weight, but I decided I was spending way to much energy on stressing about that right now. For the most I eat pretty healthy, so I shouldn't do too much damage between now and January. That's when I think I will really focus on it. Seems easier to flip that switch after the new year.
- Guru - Thanks to those who answered the survey. 100% for a new frame... I love it, just can't afford it. So, for now I am going to have it inspected and probably do some touch up on my own. It probably won't look great, but it should get me through a couple more seasons. Besides, I kinda want a new Mt. Bike now, and some body armor!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Billy Joel still draws a young audience.