Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Inspired by Murphy

Now that I'm in the dreaded off season I'm finding that I am starting to gain a little weight. It's scary how fast it starts to come back when the workouts lighten up. So I need to take action now before I gain much more. This morning I weighed in at 178. When I race CDA in June I was at 173. Prior to that, during my peak weeks of training in Late March I was at my all time lightest of 168. I'd like to get back down to the 160's if possible prior to starting IM AZ training. Not sure how I am going to do that yet, but there are a few areas of my diet I can improve. Murphy, our yellow lab, inspired me yesterday. We took him to the vet for his yearly vaccines yesterday and he had lost 8 pounds since our last visit back in mid July. This is largely attributed to his new diet and more exercise. Although his new diet is much more time consuming and expensive, it is so rewarding to not only see the long term benefits, but he goes crazy with excitement before every meal. It makes his day. So my goal over the next few weeks is more lean protein, veggies, and fruit. This also means much less sugar, fat, and processed foods in general. Since I am in recovery mode right now I want to try to avoid increasing my workouts. Scott has November laid out for me, so I want to stick to his schedule as much as possible. Right now it's about 8 hrs. of week of low intensity. I guess that means some major calorie counting. As much of a pain in the ass as it is, in the past it has worked the best. My thinking right now is to post updates here every few days. I think this may hold me accountable. Nothing like public humiliation. My goal is 170 by the end of November. This should be challenging with my birthday and 5 days in Las Vegas mixed in. We'll see how it goes.

Also, Here are some race pictures from the Soma Half IM.

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