Tuesday, September 23, 2008

But wait, there's more!!

Just when I thought my Tri season was over I decided to do one last race. I tried to get into IMAZ, but no luck. So I am going to do the Soma Half IM in Tempe on 10/26. Jen and I did this race last year and it was REALLY hot. I remember finishing that race thinking "well, at least the full Ironman won't be this hot" and it was... So when I tell myself that there's no way it could be 97 degrees 2 years in a row I catch myself knocking on the nearest piece of wood. It's kind of nice to have the fitness to decide to jump into a half IM 4 weeks prior. I think it will work well. Scott has me running a lot right now as I build a base for Marathon training leading up to Rock N Roll marathon in January. My bike fitness seems to be hanging in there and the swim is feeling pretty good right now. So why not race?

On the job front, still not very busy. Should start to pick up again next week. I've been continuing my search outside Intel and have stumbled upon some interesting leads. I'll update ya'll on those later if they workout. Keep your fingers crossed!

Jeep update - I LOVE this vehicle! It has changed my life. I am a much happier person now that I own a Jeep again. I can't explain it... But there's definitely a connection there. It's strange because it is probably one of the slowest and clumsiest vehicles I've ever owned, but I always look forward to driving it! I got some new shoes for it yesterday. After taking it in the sand a couple of weeks ago I was unhappy with the lack of traction with the stock tires. So I found some mud terrain tires that are stock on the Rubicon version and swapped them out. Once I sell the stock wheels/tires on Craig's list I should just about break even. Let the wheel' in began!
My next post should include pictures of REALLY big fish! This Sunday is the big Tuna trip. Weather looks perfect...

P.S. I was just proof reading this entry before I posted it and I realized how strange I am. What a weird mix of topics. Not sure how I got this way... Wait until I post my list of top 10 favorite songs to do trainer intervals too. I'll give you a hint, it contains music from Crosby Stills & Nash, Disturbed, Lil Wayne, Johnny Cash, and the Greatful Dead.

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