Monday, April 21, 2008

The week after

After I posted the "summary" from AZ I realized it really wasn't a summary. It was pretty long! For that reason I won't ramble on anymore about the race. It's done and in the history books. Now comes the fun of evaluating what I did and trying to improve were I can in Canada. Scott has suggested I go to a place in Seattle called Performance Medicine ( to have some metabolic testing done to see how many calories my body is burning during these races. This will help me dial in my race nutrition better so I don't have as many energy drops during the race. I am shooting to do this in mid June.
The last week has been the typical post race week. The first week after is always tough for me. All of that focus for so many months, then BAM, it's all over. Especially when we come back to winter weather. I have all of this free time but I can't get outside to do anything!! So, needless to say the house and garage received a good cleaning this weekend and we made it to the bowling alley for a couple frames. Finally today I am feeling "normal" again. My legs have a little bounce in them and I'm not as tired. I'm planning to go for a run at lunch, my first since the race. Other then some tightness in my Achilles everything else feels good to go. Good to go for an EZ run anyway. Towards the end of the week I will start to introduce some very short intensity stuff back into my workouts. Emphasis is on short though. None of workouts planned are longer then an hour. I do have the option this weekend to extended my light ride to 2 hrs if I am feeling good. If the weather holds Jen and I may do the Monster Cookie ride in Salem on Saturday. 62 miles and the single speed and a big ass cookie! Sounds good to me...
Oh ya, one last update! Jen and I made an appointment with our tattoo guy. Yes, that's right, I have a tattoo guy. How cool am I? Anyway, we are set for May 3rd. Jen is getting an M dot and I am getting Murphy's paw print. I'll also be getting one of my other tat's touched up. It's gotten a little faded from the sun over the past few years. I'll post pictures once we get them.

IMAZ Race Photo's:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats both Bill and Jennifer on your IronMan accomplishments and PR's! You two are amazing.