Friday, June 8, 2007

Well here I go...

This is my first attempt at a blog. Thought it might be nice to keep everyone up to date on what's going on since I am not always good about picking up the phone or sending email. I just thought it would be good to share what is taking up all of my time so you will now I'm not just ignoring you :) 2 weeks until CDA Ironman, man it's been a long 8 months of training! I have to say though I have never felt so prepared going into an Ironman (this is #5). Having Scott as a coach and joining the Ironheads has made this a completely different experience. Meeting all of these people that share the same enthusiasm that revolves around an active lifestyle is amazing. The wealth of knowledge that exists within this group is also mind blowing. I can learn more on a 4 hour ride with the IH group then I could from a year subscription to Triathlete magazine. Then to have Scott custom making my workout schedule, I am very lucky! The people I have met this year are examples of why this sport/lifestyle has consumed me. The support and encouragement are great. It complements the non stop support given by my family and friends. Jen and I are so very lucky, and trust me, we don't take it for granted. We realize it and are thankful for it! I will try to post updates an how our taper to IM CDA is progressing. Also keep you posted on our move (3 weeks from today) and continued down sizing. Busy, busy, busy...

1 comment:

laure redmond said...

t bone,
i am so happy you have a blog. i loved reading all of your entries. what a beautiful story you wrote about your lake swim - and jen is a warrior woman, a goddess, an inspiration to many! as are you.
see ya'll on sunday.