Monday, November 3, 2008

Beer and Bike Ridding

Another week gone and another Monday morning at my desk with sore, tired legs. Last week was a good week of training and a some what successful Beer Crit on Saturday afternoon. I believe this was the 3rd annual, but the first time I have participated. The race was held at Powell Butte park. The course was about 3 mins long and was mostly smooth single track with some tight turns and a couple steep little climbs. The required beer for the men was Guinness, approximately 14oz per cup. The format was drink a beer ride a lap, repeat 4 times. Yep, it's as hard as it sounds. That's a lot of Guinness to dump down your gullet in that short amount of time. I'll spare the details since it's mostly a blur. Overall I finished 3rd out of 8. Folske smoked it with his super-human bike abilities, and Jay Chech was 2nd thanks to his superior beer chugging. On the women's side Erin P. dominated almost catching Dave C. on the last lap. Next up, the beer mile in 2 weeks. Good times!

On the training side, still running! Last week ended up 5 days and 38 miles. A little light on the mileage, but there was some good quality. I started hill repeats, those hurt. The long run yesterday was good, but the legs were feeling it. 16 miles @ a 7:25 ish pace with HR avg in upper zone 2. Not as fast as last weekend, but better then expected after the beer crit and the hill repeats. Saturday morning was a reality check, summer is gone. Rode out to Sauvies Island in the rain and wind. The only plus was that it wasn't that cold. It was a harsh reminder of what the next few months are going to be like. There's always the indoor trainer I suppose. Swimming, well, it is what it is. I'm still getting it in but I'm feeling a little slow these days. I've been avg'ing about 8k a week. Not bad I guess. It's hard to stay motivated when there's no race on the immediate horizon. I did sign up for a swim clinic in a couple of weeks. I think I am ready for some feedback on form. Hopefully this gets me motivated again.

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